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Compliance Sprint: Fast-Track Strategies for Organizational Success

IT Compliance

In the business world, just like in the Olympics, success comes from careful preparation, dedication, and smart strategies. For organizations facing the challenges of IT compliance, the race to meet regulatory standards can feel like a high-stakes sprint. Like athletes training for gold, businesses need quick and effective strategies to ensure compliance without slowing down…

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Commercial Manufacturing Organization Selects Dataprise for a Comprehensive IT Assessment

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Client Profile A leading commercial manufacturing business recognized the critical importance of aligning its IT capabilities with its overarching business goals. Despite having robust IT infrastructure in place, the company sought to ensure its technology investments and resources were strategically aligned to support its growth and operational objectives. To achieve this alignment, they partnered with…

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Whitepaper: Private Equity IT Due Diligence

Private Equity IT Due Diligence Whitepaper 550x550

Technology is the backbone of today’s organizations and when implemented along best practices it can deliver a competitive advantage and create value. However, an
organization’s technology strategy, or lack thereof, can also introduce significant risk and future unforeseen costs. This dynamic of risk or reward has put technical due diligence rightly in the M&A due diligence process.

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Process Automation and Cloud Services Deliver Results for a Property Management Company

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CLIENT INDUSTRY: Property Management LOCATION(s): Headquartered in Virginia with locations throughout the East Coast # OF USERS: 100-249 SERVICE OFFERING: Web and Mobile Solutions: SharePoint The Challenge With employees scattered all along the East Coast and over 30 different properties, the property management company needed a way to keep documents in one, easy to access…

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Datasheet: Dataprise Professional Services

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To help your organization achieve your strategic IT objectives and gain a competitive advantage, we
deliver a comprehensive suite of professional services which encompass a wide array of technologies. From cloud migrations to IT assessments, we have the expertise you need to take your
technology to the next level and stay ahead of the competition.

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Datasheet: Dataprise vCIO Fact Sheet

Dataprise vCISO Fact Sheet

Gain an edge. Dataprise’s IT Strategic Consulting delivers on-demand IT executives that architect, implement, and manage your technology.

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A Trade Association Discovers Recommendations to Reach Best Practices in Performance and Security

Trade Association MSP

A new Chief Operating Officer joined the association and sought an independent evaluation of the IT environment before selecting a support provider. Their goals for the ITA were to comprehensively evaluate existing resources and operations and gather recommendations to achieve best practices in performance and security. The Dataprise Information Technology Assessment (ITA) is a standardized,…

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