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Create a New Service Request

Method: POST

Url: /ServiceRequests
Header: DPApiAuthenticationToken={YOUR_API_TOKEN}

Query String: None

Request Body:

Parameter NameData TypeRemarks
ShortDescription (Required)StringA short description of the incident
LongDescriptionStringThe details of the incident. May contain HTML
NewContentInHTMLBooleanWhether the LongDescription contains HTML

Default: True
IncidentClassIDIntegerThe ClassID of the request

Default: -1
IncidentPerceivedPriorityStringThe perceived priority of the incident. May contain “Low”, “Normal”, or “High”

Default: “Normal”
TargetContactIDIntegerThe ID of the target contact of the service request.

Default: -1
TargetDeviceIDIntegerThe ID of the target device of the service request

Default: -1
CreatedByContactIDIntegerThe ID of the contact who created this service request.

Default: -1
CustomFieldsList<CustomField>List of custom fields (key-value pair) for this record
Request Example:
POST “”Header: “DPApiAuthenticationToken=abcxyz0123456789″Body: { “ShortDescription”: “Test incident from API”, “LongDescription”: “This is a test incident\r\nfrom API””, “NewContentInHTML”: false, “IncidentClassID”: -1, “IncidentPerceivedPriority”: “Normal”, “TargetContactID”: 73995, “TargetDeviceID”: -1, “CustomFields”: [ { “FieldLabel”: “Project”, “FieldValue”: “ASD” }, { “FieldLabel”: “Priority”, “FieldValue”: “” }, { “FieldLabel”: “Impact”, “FieldValue”: “” } ] }


The API will return the response as under:

PropertyData TypeRemarks
StatusStringStatus of the request. Either “Success” or “Failure”
MessageStringError messages if the request failed (i.e. Status = “Failure”)
IdIntegerThe ID of the created record if the request succeeded (i.e. Status = “Success”)
Sample Response:
{ “Status”: “Success”, “Message”: “”, “Id”: 1234 }